Online Contest | European Challenge of mental calculations "DIVIDE&CONQUER"
- Created on 21 June 2016

Still thinking that math is boring and students can learn only with hours of practice and complicated exercises? The online contest European Challenge "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" will change your mind.
The M C Squared Project, Aristod, IREMs of Lyon and IREMs of Grenoble are organizing Divide and Conquer, an online contest for maths lovers. The contest will be held from 18 June 2016, 9.00 am CET to 25 June 2016, 8.00 pm CET.
The contest is free and open to everyone regardless of age. Students, teachers, simple enthusiast and whoever else wants to enjoy with math can take part, in organized groups or independently.
Play to become the Europe’s Division Champion!
Participants are asked to play a game consisting in quickly recognizing if a number is divisible by 3 or 9.
Just like in the celebrated Tetris game, numbers fall in the style of Tetris bricks, players need to place them in the right boxes before it is too late. The difficulty increases progressively when users level up.
The European Challenge Divide and Conquer stems from TQuiz, which is one of the applications created by Aristod in the framework of the M C Squared project.
This competition have several purposes:
- Proposing a mathematical game that is capable to engage to people of all ages, thanks to the use of the game
- To introduce TQuiz, fun quizzes that can be used both for educational or recreational purposes, and which can be created by teachers
Statistics on various aspects, including the number of games and players’ scores evolution will be collected and presented on the website. The results of such experience will be presented during a presentation at the ICME13, the International Conference on Mathematics Education to be held in Hamburg on July.
To participate, users need to be registered. Player can take advantage of four different kind of training (before the contest starts), as soon as they will register.
Registration is now open and will close on the 25th of June, 30 minutes before the end of the game. The website is available in six languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Dutch).
For additional information, please visit: http://tquiz.org/concours
What are you waiting for? Call out your friends and gear up!