M C Squared Function Hero goes to Science Party
Oct 2016

On Monday October 10th, 2016, the members of the French M C Squared team organised and performed activities in the framework of the Science Party (Fête de la Science: http://fetedelascience.fr/) in France.
Konnichi wa! M C Squared wa Nihon ni ikimasu!
Sep 2016

M C Squared partner University of Potsdam is bringing our technology to Japan. During a JSPS short-term fellowship at Toho University, Nagoya and RIMS Kyoto, Ulrich Kortenkamp is discussing widget technology with Japanese researchers in mathematics education.
M C Squared @ ICME13 - meet us there!
Jul 2016

Few more days to go before the ICME13 – 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, to be held in Hamburg (Germany) from the 24th to the 31st of July 2016.
ICME-13 promises to be a very rich experience for everyone both from a qualitative and a quantitative point of view (1952 papers, 530 posters, 60 invited lectures, 42 workshops, 38 discussion groups).
Online Contest | European Challenge of mental calculations "DIVIDE&CONQUER"
Jun 2016

Still thinking that math is boring and students can learn only with hours of practice and complicated exercises? The online contest European Challenge "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" will change your mind.
The M C Squared Project, Aristod, IREMs of Lyon and IREMs of Grenoble are organizing Divide and Conquer, an online contest for maths lovers. The contest will be held from 18 June 2016, 9.00 am CET to 25 June 2016, 8.00 pm CET.