Μ C Squared @ G.A.R.M.E. 2015
- Created on 08 February 2016

The Conference of the Greek Association for Research in Mathematics Education (G.A.R.M.E.) took place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from 4 to 6th December 2015. This year, thematic axes such as Creativity in Mathematics Education, and professional development of creative teachers, were an excellent opportunity for M C Squared coordinating partner CTI to showcase the project’s work and disseminate the underlying ideas and rationale.
Chronis Kynigos, the project coordinator, was an invited speaker at the conference, also in charge of the round table discussion: “Creativity and Mathematics: design and learning processes and products”.
The lively debate which took place centred around questions such as:
Can creativity can be pursued through targeted didactical engineering?
Can we approach it as a socially evolving process or just an individualised one?Can we study it as a characteristic of each student, or just as an element of genious?
Chronis also had the chance to present the M C Squared project at a dedicated session.
The C.T.I. team presented four posters, showcasing the four cbook units produced between April and July 2015: Τhe bioclimatic amusement park, curves in space, the beach volley tournament and climate change.