A plan for EUREKA S.A
- Created on 24 October 2016
- Hits: 10720
Designed and produced by the Spanish CoI.
This c-book unit has been designed by a team of Secondary School teachers in formation and Education researchers. The main aim of it to introduce the usefulness of Statistics to students of primary School between 10 and 12 year olds.
The story telling of the c-unit is based in a company (Eureka S.A.) that contacts the School for selling scissors for left-handed people. The interests of this company are the base of the work here, although the c-unit gives the chance of adding new interests that students may have work for this Company. The structure is organized in three phases. In the first one, the students are asked to figure out how many left-handed people there are in their Primary School. In the second phase students are asked about their own families, in order to explore if they see a sort of relation between family ties and left-handedness. In the third phase the company asks about the whole population, so students must now design a new questionnaire, collect data, study them and obtain conclusions from them using the tools learned in the previous phases.
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