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Living resources for living mathematics

Living resources for living mathematics; M C Squared was introduced to the French Minister of Education

As part of the National Training Plan and implemented by the French Commission for Mathematical Education (CFEM), on Friday September 25th, Mrs Najat Vallaud Belkacem, French Minister of Education, higher education and research, visited the Forum des Mathématiques vivantes.

During this event, Prof Luc Trouche and Jana Trgalova, part of the UCBL project team, presented the M C Squared project in a plenary lecture addressing the issue of resources for mathematics education.
Moreover, a workshop about live mathematics and live documents gave place to a demonstration by Pedro Lealdino Filho and Prof. Christian Mercat of functions and modelling in c-books.

The event has been attended by 70 people, among math teachers, teacher educators, researchers and policy makers.

More pictures and details on this event are available at:

Presentation available at:

Living resources 01

Living resources 02