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M C Squared @ AIED 2015

This year AIED 2015 (17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education) was held from June 22, 2015 until June 29, 2015 in Madrid. M C Squared partner London Knowledge Lab co-organised a workshop on Intelligent Support in Exploratory and Open-ended Learning Environments ISEOLE@AIED’15 together with international partners from Birkbeck School of Computer Science (UK) Vanderbilt University and the Ithaca College (USA).

The workshop built on the work done in several editions of the Intelligent Support in Exploratory Environments (ELEs) workshop (including the one in AIED 2009 and the Scaffolding in Open-ended Learning Environments (OLEs) in AIED 2013).  The previous workshops mainly explored scaffolding and other approaches to providing intelligent support. In this workshop the topics were broaden but also focus particularly into how ELEs or OLEs can be integrated in practice in teaching. The papers submitted to this workshop address various aspects of these issues, which are all at the heart of the AIED community’s interest.


M C Squared partner London Knowledge Lab presented the emerging requirements for feedback and analytics on creative mathematical e-books. The slides are on the M C Squared SlideShare. Several other papers were directly or indirectly relevant to M C Squared. To pick just a few, Chase et al. described the design of an environment to support invention activities, inspired by a model of naturalistic teacher guidance. Mazziotti et al. presented a pedagogical intervention model that selects and sequences exploratory learning activities and structured practice activities. Other papers focused more on the tools, algorithms and approaches behind the implementation of intelligent support and two papers focused specifically on learning analytics for project based and experiential learning scenarios.


The workshop included an interactive demo and poster slot where WP5 progress on feedback and learning analytics for creative mathematical e-books was presented and discussed with the participants. Everyone’s feedback was really positive and the possibility of using the tools more generally was discussed.
