Designed and produced by the French CoI
Seven Coi-members were involved in the design of this c-book, coming from a variety of disciplinary and professional domains: researchers in mathematics education, mathematics teacher educators, mathematics teachers, developers of digital tools and an artist.
Designed and produced by the French CoI
The Velocity_v2 c-book, designed by six CoI members (researchers in mathematics education, teacher educators, mathematics teachers and an artist), is composed of five activities, as follows:
Experimental geometry
Designed and produced by the French CoI in collaboration with “technical” partners
This c-book is a result of collaboration between four members of the CoI and three persons from partners’ institutions who are in charge of technological developments in the project.
Ski touring
Designed and produced by the French CoI
Six CoI-members were involved in the design of this c-book, coming from different mathematical education domains: researchers, teacher educators, mathematics teachers and PhD student and an artist.